Catégorie :

This is not the first time that a film or a novel reveals that children are not always as innocent as they may seem to be. What is revealing here is that the occurrences of malice and cruelty among children seem to happen in a kind of vacuum, when most families have left their homes for family vacations.

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The critics are unanimously positive about what is described as a delightful comedy about a modest British domestic worker in the early post-war period who goes to Paris to buy a couturier dress. Yet, the film is also surprisingly revealing, as it suggests real differences between British and French cultures.

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Catégories :

Director David Cronenberg had predicted that part of the audience would leave the screening of his horror-drama-science fiction film in the first minutes of viewing it. Indeed, there is a lot to be uncomfortable with this “inside view” of the future transformation of the human body.

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As this film and numerous other films suggest, Spain is a truly modern society, even a post-modern one, with post-modern choices and challenges. Parallel mothers is about choices that are made and sometimes imposed, but not necessarily through tradition and family.

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Is this a story about France, the star journalist of television, or is it about France, the country caught in the whirlwind of media frenzy? Because of its particular historical path, the mix between France and our media frenzy has a particular twist to it.

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Let us not be fooled by this comedy that depicts a chapter in the life of a movie studio seamstress, that organizes a wedding ceremony in which she will marry….herself. What is it about current society to even imagine such a story? The Movie Shrink thinks he has a few elements to understand.

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If there ever was a film in need of interpretation, this story about a modern-day incarnation of the myth of water nymph Undine, who comes to earth for love, through the life of an urban historian who tells the architectural story of Berlin, for the guests

of the city administration, this is the one. But are there other stories behind this improbable story?

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The state of the environment is a serious subject, and this film addresses that important challenge. But the light tone of the film leads us to believe that there is something else in this film.

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Public child protection agencies, like many government services, are often criticized and they often take a beating in the media and public opinion. This film offers a very different take on these services, at least as they appear to operate in France.

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A marriage celebration is of course a joyous occasion. But in this film, the celebration brings back memories of events and transactions that the participants would have preferred to forget.

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